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Topic: Kua system
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 13430
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 5/19/2003 12:17 AM

Dear Anon,

1. Most people regard Shapes and Form Feng Shui as ofounded by a Chinese: Yang Yung Sung in Kwangsi province, China.
Period : Around the period AD840 - 888CE

2. While the Compass School of Feng Shui was founded by Wang K'e in Fukien province, China. Around the Northern Sung period around AD960 - 1126 CE. Both the Ba Zhai and Xuan Kong Feng Shui are from this Compass School.


3. The Hsia or Xia Li is indeed a seasonal calendar.

4. In several of my past postings, I have cautioned about the simplicity of the Hsia and Xia calendar system.

5. In some of my previous forum postings:-

5.1 I observed that many people were introduced to the `Hsia calendar' especially the pillars of destiny calculations. Where, many of the practitioners simply use Hsia.

5.2 In my opinon, the rationale for this is simple. Around 1986, the major language used in the internet is English. And many Feng Shui practitioners learn their Feng Shui model from Hong Kong. (As Hong Kong was a British colony).

5.3 When I first mentioned that uses specifically the Lunar calendar system, many who began to learn Feng Shui and were introduced to the Hsia (Xia Li) calendar were I believe `stunned'. Because, at that time, the majority of the practitioners were from the " Hong Kong " school.

5.4 In fact, Hong Kong is the only country that still uses the Hsia calendar system.

5.5 For example, from day one, we have always insisted on using Lundar calendar for Pillars of Destiny and only at certain points of calculation e.g. Luck periods co-relate it to the `season's.

5.6 Do search for past forum messages on `Xia ' or Hsia and you can find my previous postings on the major flaws of Hsia calendar.

5.7 For example, Hsia calendar system does not take into account `intercalary' months. For example, in a year where there can be two second months under the lunar calendar.

5.8. I can understand why many `Hong Kong' practitioners use Hsia because the dates are constant and that makes it very easy to `churn out a chart'.

5.9. Another rationale is because, due to communism in China, many with knowledge of Feng Shui fled to Taiwan and Hong Kong. As mentioned earlier, because of the British influence in Hong Kong; many English speaking only got hold to books written specifically in English. While many in Taiwan, can only speak Mandarin or Hokkien dialect.

6.0 At one time, I can recall, (I believe) many of the Hong Kong practitioners were `looking down' on Dr Eveyln Lip, when she published her Pillars of Destiny book where she had correctly used the Lunar calendar system for Ba Zi evaluation. I always believe that Dr Eveyln Lip had always tried her best to write academically correct books, since she has very good credientials ie. a trained architect and formerly a lecturer in the National University of Singapore.

6. In all concepts, what is most important is to use a three-step approach: 1 What is the purpose of each concept. 2. What are it's strengths. 3. What are it's weakness.

7. The Gua (Kua) system belongs to the Compass School of Feng Shui and it is said to be `invented' only in modern times i.e. Northen Sung dynasty.

8. In fact, another major flaw is that it is that it only takes into consideration our Year of birth. Contrast this with Ba Zi or Pillars of Destiny where not only the Year is used, but also the Month, Day, Hour of birth. In, we go further to include House of Life and House of conception.

9. In my opinion, so far, the Gua system will still be widely used by many because of it's simplicity. And often, many people who want to go further often go further to apply the Flying Star and Pillars of destiny.

Warmest Regards,

P.S. Please note that all articles in this forum are not to be copied or transmitted elsewhere.

On 5/18/2003 7:37:03 PM, Anonymous wrote:
>dear users,
>there are possible weaknesses
>in the system of the kua
>numbers and its derivative -
>ba zhai feng shui:
>the calculation of the kua
>numbers is based on the
>western calendar, or the
>gregorian calendar. this year
>is 2003 according to the
>gregorian calendar.
>the gregorian calendar is a
>adaptation of the julian
>calendar and was introduced by
>pope gregory in 1582 (and used
>in europe).
>china has been using the hsia
>calendar until the 1911
>revolution. it was from 1912,
>that the public started using
>the gregorian calendar, and
>the hsia calendar lost its
>importance. 2003 in the
>gregorian calendar is
>equivalent to year 4701 of the
>hsia calendar.
>there is no correlation
>between the gregorian and the
>hsia calendar - in history or
>in formula. note also, the
>gregorian calendar is useless
>for astronomy because it has a
>ten-day hiatus in it.
>given the facts, the
>foundation of the formula on
>the kua numbers becomes
>the kua system is a numerology
>formula but based on the
>western calendar.
>thus 'ba zhai feng shui' would
>seem to be a hybrid system of
>the east and the west - far
>from what the system claimed
>to be - 'classical feng shui'
>which was supposed to have its
>origins in china, many years

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